Exterior House Painting: Professional Wood, Composite & Vinyl Siding Paint Services

Exterior Wood Composite & Vinyl Siding Painting

A good paint job can greatly change the look of a room or an entire house, both inside and out. The problem, however, Exterior Wood Composite & Vinyl Siding Painting is that when one surface gets a new paint job, many others now need one as well. While some surfaces are fairly easy to paint, others need more careful planning and a range of special paints or tools to ensure the job gets done right. For instance, shedding may occur when special surfaces are painted without the right paint, Exterior Wood Composite & Vinyl Siding Painting leading to an unpleasant appearance in the newly decorated area.

Wood, vinyl siding, and composite surfaces are excellent examples of difficult-to-paint locations that need to be blended with the rest of the house. Each of these surfaces has several factors to take into consideration before painting.

Painting On Wood, Vinyl Siding, and Composite Surfaces

When painting on wood, you first need to prepare the surface properly. This usually involves applying a primer and then sanding the surface with a relatively fine type of sandpaper. Painting can take place only after this process has been completed. Another factor to consider is what type of paint will be used. Acrylic paint is an option, but a semi-gloss or satin paint is often preferable.

Exterior Wood Composite & Vinyl Siding Painting
Transforming Residential and Commercial Spaces

Vinyl siding needs a thoroughly cleaned surface before painting, especially since vinyl is often used on exterior surfaces.

Composite surfaces are a little more complicated since they are made of different kinds of materials. It is vital to ensure compatibility between the type of paint used and all the materials in the composite surface.